System of rounds BIS®
The system of rounds in the system BIS® represents an easy and fast overview of the attendance of security guards, cleaning service, health-care facilities personnel and other service providers who require regular rounds of employees and wish to monitor and keep files of attendance.
The system of rounds BIS® includes a reader and identification discs located on the control points which the employee must pass in order and at a specified time.

Advantages of the system of rounds BIS®:
- fast financial return
- easy assembly of the identification disc (operating temperature from -25 to +85 °C)
- data export to follow-up systems
- compatibility with attendance system, access control system and meal distribution system BIS
- delivery of self-installation package – on request
Application software functions®:
- definition of checkpoints
- records of individual sensing units and their assignment to the guards
- allows to create control routes including determining of minimal time intervals between individual checkpoints (avoidance of the “running through” the route)
- planning of the rounds for individual security guards
- evaluation of the rounds (monitoring of the attendance of the rounds including control of attendance of each stand, monitoring of time intervals between individual checkpoints)
Inquiry Minimum configuration