Records of home waste disposal

The system is designed for home waste collection companies. It allows accurate records of waste collection or billing of individual customers. The system guarantees that when citizens and organisations meet their obligations to the waste collection companies, their waste will be collected as required.

Standard functions of the scanning machine:

Dustcart KUKA is provided with the reader HT200*, which records individual loads. Litter bins (dustbins and containers) have identification discs that recognise individual bins upon unloading. The reader lists the identification numbers of litter bins that one dustcart can unload. This system ensures that only the bins provided with identification discs with authorised identification number will be unloaded. This way all the unloadings are recorded and the company can bill the owner of the bins.

Data can also be collected with the reader, which is more comfortable for the users and it enables the use of non-standard bins.

After unloading, the collected data is transferred into the respective information system where it can undergo further processing.

The contactless identification disc works even when the bins and dustcart are soiled, regardless of the weather or outside temperature.

Minimal requirements on the application software BIS:

Attribute: Recommendation:
Operating system: Win 10,Win 11, Windows 2019 Server, the Czech environment
Screen resolution: 1024×768, higher is recommended
Hard Disk space: min 50MB, plus space for data
Network: 100/1000 Mbit
PC performance: standard office PC


The application can be installed/run only locally. Server traffic is not possible. The application BIS® and Pumpa9 must be installed on one PC.
