On 22 September 2015 an international seminar for the project METR took place in Prague. The seminar was organised by Further Education Fund, a state-funded institution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The aim of the project METR is to share jobs, analyse and evaluate the conditions and forms of shared jobs in the CR and abroad. The target groups are the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and the Employment Office.
Hana Malurová, the executive manager of ESKON s.r.o., shared her company’s experience with flexible working, including job sharing. The company has successfully implemented the practice of job sharing to offer the employees the opportunity to coordinate their professional and family life: “Thanks to job sharing, ESKON offers jobs not only to parents with small children, but also to the handicapped. We have been doing this for years without any support from the state administration.” To learn more about job sharing go to www.fleximetr.cz.